Not sure why your kids are misbehaving or having such bad attitudes? Believe it or not, it could be your home. Negative homes feed negative attitudes. But you can create happier more positive kids by creating a more positive home environment.

How to Create a More Positive Home
As a parent, it’s important to me that my daughter grow up to be confident, kind, safe, and happy. What I didn’t realize right away was that it’s not just my parenting style that determines that. It’s the environment around her. And by creating a more positive home, I can raise a much happier and kinder child.
Kids are like little sponges and absorb everything around them.
So if they have negative behavior or a bad attitude, it’s most likely because that’s what they are being raised in. And sometimes, we may not even realize it.
The impact of environment or family on a child is everything.
A negative environment can be caused by several things:
- Absent parents
- Present but emotionally absent parents
- Lack of praise
- Acknowledging only bad behavior
- Parents who speak disrespectfully to each other or other adults
Emotionally distant parents create a barrier between themselves and their
A negative home environment doesn’t just cause bad behavior in kids. It can also determine how they handle things in the future. It determines how they behave in life, work, school, and even socially when they become adults.
A positive home environment can create more confident kids. Kids raised in positive home:
- Are more confident
- Have better self-image
- Decreased anxiety and depression
- Have more empathy for others
- Treat others with respect
- Tend to have better relationships with friends and family
You can easily create a more positive home by making these simple changes…
10 Ways to Make Your Home a More Positive Place
Creating a positive home environment can make your child feel loved and respected. And you will feel that back from them in the way they treat you.
1 – Use Positive Words
Every adult should know the impact words can have on a person. When we hear something negative towards ourselves, it can be really hard to process. But when we receive a compliment or some positive feedback, we are on cloud 9.
Kids are even more sensitive to words.
Everything you say to a child sticks with them. But they don’t have the ability to process certain things like we can.
Watch the way you talk to your kids. When they have bad behavior, do you point out what they do wrong? Do you scold them for being bad?
Try using more positive words than negative ones. Grab my list of 50 positive sayings you can use with kids every day. And try to implement a few of these phrases each day with your kids.

2 – Be Silly and Fun
There is no way better to raise a happy kid than to BE HAPPY with them! Show your kids your fun side. Be silly, play with them, have fun with them, tell jokes!
It’s easy to find ways to be a more fun mom. These don’t require any money or too much of your time.
If you can be silly and fun with your kids, they will connect with you and feel safe coming to you when issues arise. Which makes dealing with bad behavior and consequences so much eaiser!
3 – Become a Task Master
Get your own life organized. What I mean by this is that you should physically create a more positive home environment by creating a better space.
Get rid of clutter, get organized and decorate in light and bright decor throughout your home. A clean and fresh home send out good vibes to anyone in it. Dark, dirty places can grow dark thoughts and feelings.
Try learning how to use time-block scheduling for your day. Get more done in the time you have so you can dedicate some time each and every day to your kids.
The less overwhelmed and stressed you feel about life-stuff, the less your kids will feel it too!
4 – Learn to Say Sorry
There is nothing more powerful in this world than the ability to say sorry. Adults need to learn this as much as kids.
When my daughter acts up or is rude to other kids, I always make her apologize. But she seems to have a really hard time doing this.
So I finally asked her one day why is it so hard to apologize? Her answer… she felt like if she apologized, then everyone would know she’s a bad kid and hold it
So basically, she thought that apologizing was admitting to the wrongdoing. And by admitting it, made people look at her badly.
It then became obvious that I had to SHOW her this wasn’t the case. And the best way to do that was to start apologizing more often myself.
It’s also vitally important to apologize to our kids when we do something wrong. Saying sorry for raising your voice, or getting mad shows kids we take credit for our wrongdoings. It does NOT mean we are admitting defeat and letting them walk all over us.
5 – Be Grateful
Be grateful for what you have and for the life you have created. There is no better way to stop kids from feeling jealousy than to make sure we don’t spread that to them.
Talk about the things you are grateful for. Let your kids hear you. Write it down. Have them write it down!
Remind each other each day how grateful you are just to have each other.
By teaching kids how to be grateful at a young age, you teach them how to love themselves. And self-love and confidence is one of the greatest gifts we can give our kids.
6 – Self Care For Everyone
Practicing self-care makes everyone feel better. Adults are getting in to it more and more to alleviate stress, feel healthier, and be stronger emotionally.
But kids can benefit from self-care too!
Find ways to help your kids decompress. My daughter loves face masks. So once a week, her and I do a face mask together. It takes about 20 minutes of my time, but it’s a fun activity we can do together.
It also makes her feel better.
She also started getting into bath bombs. So when I notice her getting mad, frustrated, or generally in a bad mood… I encourage her to take a nice long bubble bath with her bath bombs.
Some other activities kids can do to practice self care:
- Coloring books
- listening to music
- Meditating for kids
- Playing outside
- Playing with animals
7 – Use Praise and Encouragement Often
Children connect with you when you encourage them and praise them.
If you want to create a positive home, spread positivity around as often as possible by encouraging them and praising their efforts.
No matter how big or small. If a child feels like they will fail at a task and be criticized for it, they will have self-doubt and become withdrawn at home.
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Encourage their ability to try new things. Praise them just for trying. Be proud of them.
Any time I can get my daughter to calm down from a tantrum, or say she’s sorry, is a proud moment for me. And I make sure to tell her. I tell her each and every time that I’m proud she was able to calm down. I’m proud she made the choice to apologize.
Positive parenting is all about the use of positivity with your kids. Practice positive parenting often and you will have a happy and positive home in no time!
8 – Be Affectionate
Nothing makes kids feel more loved than actually showing them you love them. Do this with affection!
Give hugs often…even when your kid thinks they are too cool and try to shrug you away. Don’t give up! Just the act of trying to hug them makes them feel loved.
Also try small gestures. A hand on the shoulder. High-fives. Touching their hair. Even a smile in their direction is a simple way to show affection.
9 – Praise Yourself
Monkey see monkey do. Kids behaviors are LEARNED. So if you want them to be positive and happy… YOU need to be positive and happy.
Do you want them to be grateful and kind to others? Then YOU need to be grateful and kind to others.
You see where I’m going with this?
The way you want your kids to grow up is the way you need to model your behavior for them. Period.
10 – Spend Time Together
Nothing creates a positive home quite like just spending time together.
Have a family game night, or go out on a family date night.

Kids feel loved and special when you make time specifically for them.
You don’t even need to spend your entire day with them. Set aside 20 or 30 minutes and focus just on them. No phone, no TV. Just spend time doing something they love, or something they are interested in.
This helps create a bond with your kids that will in turn, make them more self-assured in their relationship with you and more comfortable with you when they need someone to turn to.
Keep Reading: Super Easy Ways to Bond with Your Kids
How Do You Make a Happy Home?
Encourage positive attitudes by creating a positive home. Positive attitudes feed off of other positivity.
By creating a positive environment in your home, you can make your kids feel more loved, more confident, safe, and respected.
And when you raise kids to be these things, you raise happier kids and create a happier family atmosphere. For your kids and for you too!
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Hey Jenny! I LOVE this post, the world needs so much more positivity, especially in parenting. Number 9 hits home big time, while I try to have a super positive and gentle home environment with three littles 3 and under it’s not always easy to remain calm and positive during the day, lol. So thank you for that reminder! I also love the idea of self-care for kids. I haven’t ever thought of that before but am definitely going to be mindful of it.
As for how we try to have a happy home is by letting our littles know their voices are heard and their emotions matter. It’s not always easy, but (hopefully) it will be worth it. Thank you again for sharing such a great post and having such a positive approach to parenthood <3
I totally agree with you on letting their emotions be heard! Kids need to express themselves and more importantly, they need a safe place to do it in. I’m so glad you enjoyed the article! When I find I’m at those moments where its hard to remain calm and stay positive, I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths. It helps reset me.