Sick of morning sickness? Here are some natural remedies for morning sickness relief when nothing else works.

Cures For Morning Sickness That Lasts All Day
If you are looking for some morning sickness relief, you’ve come to the right place!
More than half of all pregnant women experience morning sickness and some can get it so severe it lasts all day.
More than likely, your doctor gave you a prescription for Zofran (an anti-nausea medication) which is great for hangovers. But most of the time it does nothing for someone with really severe morning sickness.
So if you are tired of feeling sick day after day for weeks (or months!) on end, here are some really helpful ways for coping with nausea during pregnancy.
Severe Nausea During Pregnancy
Anyone who gets nausea or has vomiting with a stomach bug knows how annoying it can be. But most people can take a sick day and stay in bed until they feel better.
Women with nausea during pregnancy are not so lucky!
Nausea and vomiting while pregnant can last all day, go on for weeks, or even months. Sounds fun, huh?
We all have lives to get on with so we need to find ways to relieve that morning sickness.
Because you still have to get up and go to work or you might even have other children to take care of. Morning Sickness doesn’t care!
When You Need to Worry About Morning Sickness
In most cases, morning sickness is just a big pain in the butt. But in some people, it can be a lot more severe.
Morning sickness can cause dehydration and even malnutrition. For you and your infant.
So if you are losing weight or can’t hold any fluids down and have any signs of dehydration… you need to see your doctor immediately.
Some signs of dehydration include:
- sunken eyes
- constant dry mouth
- urinating infrequently
- dry skin and lips
- dark-colored urine
- dizziness
- light-headed
- rapid heartbeat
- headache

How To Treat Morning Sickness Naturally
Hang in there mama! Here is some help for coping with morning sickness during pregnancy!
1 – Eat smaller/ more frequent meals
When you feel nauseous, it usually means your stomach is not digesting things well. Be kind to your tummy and eat smaller meals more frequently and less big meals.
For example, have a small breakfast as soon as you wake up. Then have a small snack about 3 hours later. Make lunch light with a small side salad or half a sandwich. Have another snack in the afternoon and a small dinner.
The goal is to eat small bites of food at least every 3 hours. So your stomach can take its time digesting.
2 – Eat plain food
When your kids get sick your doctor will have them follow the BRAT diet. This works great for morning sickness relief as well. The BRAT diet consists of Banana, Rice, Applesauce, Toast
Stick to food that is gentle on your tummy. The more plain, the better.
Avoid anything fried, greasy, spicy or fatty.
3 – Consume room temperature food and water
Ice cold water may sound refreshing but it actually takes your stomach a much longer time (and works harder) to digest it. Your tummy absorbs room temperature items much faster.
So you are less likely to toss your cookies if you consume room temperature water or Gatorade and more likely to keep fluids down if they are not ice-cold.
4 – Try ginger
Ginger is a natural substance commonly used for nausea and vomiting. You can try to drink some good old fashioned ginger ale (the ginger combats nausea and the bubbles feel good on the tummy).
Not a big ginger fan? You can take ginger supplements that work just as well.
Or my personal favorite, some pregnancy pops. These are basically lollipops for adults that contain ginger and help get rid of nausea.
5 – Acupuncture
Acupuncture is known to heal all sorts of ailments. People even use it for fertility treatments and stress relief.
Find a licensed acupuncturist in your area that specializes in morning sickness relief
6 – Eat before bed
Your stomach needs frequent small meals to keep it happy. Consume a healthy snack before bedtime to give your body the best chance of waking up without morning sickness.
Stick to protein and a good complex carb before bed. So a piece of whole week toast with yogurt or cheese will help a lot.
7 – Eat as soon as you wake up
Keep that tummy happy! Try to have something to eat as soon as you wake up. And I don’t just mean make sure you have coffee and breakfast.
But actually try keeping some crackers by your nightstand and pop one or two in your mouth before you even get out of bed in the morning.
Getting a little something in your stomach before you really wake up will keep that nausea away in the morning.
8 – Try popsicles
If you are so nauseous that you are having a hard time even keeping liquids down, suck on some popsicles instead.
Popsicles are basically just frozen liquid. But because they are frozen, you consume it at a much smaller pace. Which makes it easier for your stomach to digest.
Stay away from thick liquids like milk. And consume more clear liquids like water, Gatorade, or clear juices (no sugar!) to keep yourself hydrated.
9 – Take Vitamins
Keeping up with your prenatal vitamins is key to getting rid of morning sickness. You need to try to keep your body as healthy as possible to combat any sickness.
You can also add B6 Vitamins to your list. B6 is known for helping with nausea and morning sickness as well.
10 – Sea-Band wristlet
These really cool bracelets use pressure points on your wrist that help gets rid of morning sickness.
You can grab one of these bands off Amazon and wear it all day long.
They are perfect for people who have morning sickness that lasts all day and have to try to function at work.
Sea-Band Mama! Anti-Nausea Acupressure Wristband for Morning Sickness is a MUST for any pregnant woman!
11 – Mediation and yoga
Extra oxygen to the brain is so powerful, it can be used to lower pain, get rid of nausea, reduce stress, you name it! Try taking some big deep breaths just like you will do when you are in labor.
Breathe slow and deep in through your nose and slowly out through your mouth (smell the flowers then blow them away).
Go to YouTube for some guided mediation to help learn how to take slow, controlled breaths.
12 – Aromatherpy
My personal favorite, aromatherapy. Did you know the scent of mint can help reduce nausea and vomiting? So much so that hospitals even use it on their cancer patients getting chemo.
Nurses will put a cotton ball in a medicine cup and pour some strong peppermint extract on the cotton ball. The smell permeates the room and reduces nausea when other medications fail to work.
You can get an aromatherapy diffuser for your home and use mint or peppermint essential oil for morning sickness relief
Morning Sickness Relief That Actually Work
If you are sick of being sick (no pun intended!) then give some of these boring sickness remedies a try and let me know in the comments what worked for you!
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