Quarantine hasn’t been easy for anyone but it’s been especially hard on the kids. Here are some ways to support your kids mentally during quarantine.

Help Your Kids With Their Mental Health
2020 has shaped up to be a pretty bad year. Being stuck inside for months on end and no contact with our friends and family has been really tough.
And that’s just how most adults feel.
For kids who thrive off of structure and personal relationships, quarantine can not only be tough but can be a real challenge to our kids mentally.
It’s important as their parents (and only source of any normalcy) to help them through the struggle and lack of structure they are experiencing.
Chance are they have an extreme increase in screen time (no judgments mom, I totally get it!) and lack of any outdoor playtime.
The parenting rules have drastically changed or been thrown out the window all-together. Add in the lack of social contacts and you have a kid who’s mental health is in jeopardy.
It’s up to you to help Support Your Kids Mentally through quarantine. As their only source of contact, they need you now more than ever.
Support Your Kids Mentally Through Quarantine
Kids need a routine to have a purpose and keep them calm. With the lack of routine during quarantine, kids can turn into a hot mess.
You may see everything from increased laziness and lack of motivation to do anything, to irritable and angry behavior.
Giving your kids structure to their day will be key to getting them through this quarantine.
Loss of control – When kids lose that routine and structure, they experience a loss of control in their day too. This can lead to anxiety, sadness, and even depression.
Take a look at how your kids are coping and help them develop a new strategy. Take some time to sit down together to talk about what’s going on in the world and why its important to make changes.
The ore kids understand what’s going on, the more they will feel like they are apart of the decisions and will give them some of that control back.
Keep on eye on complaints of boredom!
If you give your kid a million things to do but they are still complaining they are bored, chances are its the sign of something deeper. This is really when you need to step in and demand they try something new… no matter how much they protest!
Remember, parents! YOU Are their only support system now. So now is when we step up and become their teacher, their friend, and their parent.
This is truly the best way to support you kid mentally through quarantine.
6 Ways to Support Kids Through Quarantine
1 – Encourage Talking
Just because your kids are happily playing video games all day long, does not mean they are doing well. Kids dont have the ability to express their feelings or understand that talking about things can make you feel better.
Take time to sit and talk to your kids. Discuss what’s going on in the world and see if they have any questions.
Ask them how they are doing and go over specific questions like:
- Are there any friends you miss?
- What do you miss the most about school?
- If you could do anything right now, what would it be?
- What vacation have we taken in the past that you liked the best?
- Is there anything new you’d like to try?
See Related: 55 Conversation Started For Kids
2 – Make Time For Fun
Now is the time get silly! Surprise your kids with an impromptu dance party, bake some cookies together, make a YouTube video together, or let your kids do some funny hair and makeup on you.
Distraction is the best way to get through tough times. So help distract your kids by doing something new and something fun!
Keep Reading: 25 Cool and Creative Crafts For Kids
3 – Work in Movement and Meditation
Even though kids are in school 8 hours a day, they actually sit less than half of that time. They have gym class, recess, lunch, etc. So get your kids up and get them moving.
Take a walk outside, or do a workout video together. Go on bike rides or go exploring in your backyard.
Get their little minds stimulated with movement!
4 – Allow More Autonomy
The one thing kids miss the most about going to school (even if they dont really understand it) is the ability to make their own choices.
At school, they get to pick what friends they hang out with, where they play on the playground. They even get to pick their own choices at lunch.
But when they are stuck inside at home with you, they lose all that. Give them a sense of autonomy back anklet them make some of their own choices during quarantine.
For example, I sat down with my daughter and let her choose some of her summer actives. I gave her a long list of things she could do and told her to pick 5. Her selections were:
- Learn Spanish (on YouTube)
- Take Baking Lessons (with mom)
- Practice Gymnastics (in the back yard)
- Read (we bought some Little House on the Prairie Books)
- Do a Science Experiment
She chose what activities to do and chose the amount of time she spent on each one. Then I had her make her own little weekly schedule and map out what days she did each activity.
5 – Teach Self-Care
Nothing takes care of the mind as much as a little self-care does. Its the number one way for adults to clear their minds and take care of their mental health.
There are several ways kids can practice their own self-care. And even several ways for you guys to do some self-care together. So you can take care of your own mental health, your kid’s mental health, and spend some quality time together.
Keep Reading: Fun Ways To Encourage Self-Care For Kids
6 – Focus on Relationships
When kids can’t be around their friends, it’s time to focus on some other relationships. Now is a good time to reconnect with grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles.
Or if you don’t have a lot of families to connect to, look up some old friends from previous classes your child was in. Or even find them a pen pal from another state or even another country.
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