Cleaning your home isn’t really fun to begin with, but what makes it even worse is when you spend a ton of money on cleaning supplies. So I set out this spring to find the best budget-friendly cleaning hacks I could.
Lazy Girl Cleaning Hacks
Summer is approaching and I just finished up a ton of spring cleaning around the house.
Cleaning your home isn’t really fun to begin with, but what makes it even worse is when you spend a ton of money on cleaning supplies. So I set out this spring to find the best budget-friendly cleaning hacks I could.
Because let’s be honest, I have new summer clothes to buy, and I don’t want to be wasting my money on cleaning supplies!
So get ready to thank me. You’re not only going to be saving yourself a ton of time but with most of these tips, you’ll never need to buy cleaning supplies ever again.
Don’t miss out on my 30-Day Home Cleaning Challenge. You can literally clean your enitrie home from top to bottom and every crack in between in just 30 days… with a FREE printable clenaing calendar!
Why I HATE cleaning supplies
- They are expensive
- You really don’t know if the products are going to work or if they just have really good advertising
- You always seem to run out when you need them!
Budget-Friendly Cleaning Hacks
Use an old pillowcase to dust
If you have a ripped, stained or just old pillowcase you don’t use anymore, don’t throw it out! It makes a great dust rag. And it’s super easy and convenient to put your arm in it and just run your arm along with any surface. It makes cleaning ceiling fans a breeze. When it gets too dirty, just throw it in the washer.
Use Fruit to clean multi-surfaces!
Yes, you heard me right. Lemons and grapefruit specifically. Which is great for out here in Arizona because those literally grow on trees all over the place so you never have to buy any.
Cut a lemon in half and use it to scrub stainless steel surfaces. It gets rid of fingerprints and water spots. Not to mention it makes your house smell good too.
Do the same with a grapefruit. Cut one in half and pour some rock salt on it. Use that to scrub your bathtub to get rid of soap scum and rings. And again leaves a really nice scent.
Cleaning Vinegar
I never even heard of cleaning vinegar until a little while ago and now I think it’s a miracle product. It’s safe on almost every surface and doesn’t involve any harmful chemicals and best of all… it’s CHEAP.
I used cleaning vinegar to clean my tile grout and oven gunk. Dilute it with water to a 50/50 ratio and use it on carpet and upholstery too. It removed stains and deodorizes. Don’t get it mixed up with regular vinegar, which has too strong of a concentration to use on most surfaces. You can find cleaning vinegar in most cleaning aisles.
Norwex EnviroCloth
Norwex has put out a line of cleaning products that pretty much eliminates the need for you to purchase any chemicals… like ever! I started off by using their most popular item, Norwex EnviroCloth

Using the Norwex EnviroCloth on my Kitchen Counter
This thing is amazing! It looks like a regular cloth but actually is made with micro silvers and if you don’t know what that means, don’t worry! In a nutshell, it removes 99% of bacteria without using any chemicals at all… with just the cloth and some water!
So you can literally wipe up the raw chicken juice with just this cloth and your kitchen counter is cleaner and safer then it would be with any other chemical you would use. Just throw it in the washer and use it over and over and over… ok you get my point.
Norwex Window Cloth
I was so impressed with the EnviroCloth that I wanted to try another product by Norwex and gave the Window Cloth a try. Just like it’s friend the EnviroCloth, you only use water and this cloth to wash windows. So no more Windex ever again!

The Norwex Window Cloth
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone to clean dog snot or kids fingerprints from my glass doors and windows just to find out the Windex bottle was empty. With this fun little window cloth, you don’t need to worry. With just water, it cleaned my windows perfectly. And it can even be used on mirrors and jewelry or any shiny surface.
These Norwex products have become a favorite in my household. It not only saves me time by having to hunt for the bottle of cleaning products another family member decided to put away in the wrong spot… but now I never have to run out or buy another bottle of any cleaning product ever again.
It’s even great for the kids to use (Ha-ha, no excuses for the kids not to clean now!) because it literally just involves water. So even the laziest kid can help out around the house. Not to mention it’s super safe for the kiddos to use because these products don’t involve any harmful chemicals at all (which they might not care about but I do)!

The Norwex Envirocloth, Window Cloth, Optic Scarf, and Makeup Removal Cloth
Norwex makes an entire line of cleaning products that I can’t wait to try out. I have a feeling my mom and sister are about to get these for their next birthday! you can order the Norwex Window Cloth, Envirocloth, or just browse more of their products HERE. And Enjoy!
Some of my other favorite Norwex products include the Makeup Removal Cloth Set (for removing makeup night after night), and the Optic Scarf (to clean surfaces such as glasses, cell phone screens and jewelry with no chemicals).
You might also be interested in:
- 20 Dollar Store Hacks to Organize Your Entire Home
- 10 Things People With Clean Homes Do Every Day
- 30 Day Home Cleaning Challenge
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