The daily grind of being a mom often makes you feel like you have little time to do anything. But there are simple ways you can easily bring fun back into motherhood, and become a more fun mom.
20 Secrets to Being a Super Fun Mom
We all think we are going to be THE FUN MOM when we have kids of our own.
We will play with our kids and smile and laugh every day.
But most days, we are lucky if we can get the housework done. Between working and cooking and cleaning and laundry, there isn’t much time for anything else.
(Be the coolest mom ever and let your kids make Magnetic Slime!)
Unfortunately, playtime with your kids is one of the first things we all sacrifice. But it doesn’t always have to be that way.
If you can find just 20 small minutes in your day, you can easily go back to being that fun mom you always hoped you would be.
I’m guilty of being that parent that says ‘no’ more often than I ever thought I would.
But here is how I found just 20 minutes at a time to bring some fun back into my parenting, and change my daughter’s perspective of a mom who used to always say no.
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20 Ways To Be a Fun Mom That Will Take You 20 Minutes or Less
Have an impromptu dance party
This takes no preparation or planning. Just grab your phone and turn on a song. In fact, don’t even tell your kids what you are about to do.
When the music starts, dance around and invite them to join you. They may look at you like you are crazy at first, but they will love the silliness of it. Or at least laugh at you… and that’s still a win!
Talk with an accent
I’ve done this a few times and my daughter thinks it’s absolutely hysterical. The accents I’ve attempted are not even that good, but they make her laugh all the same.
For an even bigger laugh, I pretend like I have no idea what she’s talking about. “Accent? What accent? This is my normal voice!”
When was the last time you picked up a crayon and just colored? Coloring as an adult or a child has calming effects and can be a great way to unwind for just a few minutes every day.
Take 20 minutes and sit down with your kids to just color an old-fashioned coloring book. You spend time with them and get 20 minutes to relax and take a breath from your busy day.
Get yourself your coloring book! I love my Sloth coloring book and my daughter gets a kick out of it.
Have a race
Kids never get enough physical activity as it is these days with all the electronics they have at their fingertips. So get them outside and challenge them to a race.
Even if it’s just to the end of the block or around the house. When you make something a competition, kids get super into it. Don’t make it super competitive and don’t emphasize who wins. Just run and laugh.
Have a pillow fight
You don’t need to wait until bedtime or the weekend to have a pillow fight. Grab a pillow and (gently) start an impromptu pillow fight with your child.
Have an extra laugh by setting your phone up to record you in slow-mo.
A slow-mo video of a pillow fight will ensure laughs for weeks to come.
Make a silly video
It could be the video of a pillow fight, or a video of your funny accents. It doesn’t need to be perfect, and it doesn’t need to have any point to it.
Just grab your phone and record a silly video of you doing anything together.
Take silly selfies
You may have laughed at others using selfie sticks but now is the best time to grab one for yourself. Kids are growing up in a modern era and social media and selfies are everywhere. Make it fun by doing it together. You can make silly faces, or try crazy poses.
Play a game
Connect 4 is a favorite of ours. It’s quick and easy to learn so even young kids can play. It helps them learn skills from basic counting to thinking about what comes next.
And the nicest part is that we can play several rounds within 20 minutes. It can be any game that’s quick. Candy land is a great choice too.
Play in the rain
It doesn’t rain much in Arizona, so we improvise with the sprinklers. But the next time it rains, don’t lecture about cold and flu… get some rain boots on and go jump in puddles.
Get your hair wet by laughing and jumping in the rain. You will not only surprise your kids, but you might surprise yourself by having a little fun too.
Make a crazy treat
My sister and I used to think of treats to make. Like cornflakes with peanut butter and honey all mixed together.
It was awesome!
Try something similar with your kids. You don’t need to use the oven or the microwave, just find some fun ingredients and mix a few things together until you have a fun and easy treat.
Take a walk
Don’t feel like being too active? Take 20 minutes and just go for a light stroll around the neighborhood. Leave the phone behind. Just you and your kids, taking a nice walk.
Talk about your day or talk about what you see around you.
Play dress up
Let your little girls get dressed up in your clothes and some jewelry. They always want to anyway so it’s better under your supervision!
Have a little boy? Pick a theme and have him try to find clothes to dress YOU up in.
Watch a show together
Let me specify… watch THEIR show together. Nothing brightens my daughter’s face more than when I sit down to watch tv with her and ask her to watch a show on the Disney Channel.
She happily explains who is who and I let her tell me everything. I even came to love ‘Andi Mack’ so much, it’s become “our show” and we get excited to watch it together every week.
Have a tea party
Don’t worry about having a fancy tea set to do this. Grab whatever cups you have and make a few easy snacks.
You don’t even need to use tea. Just sit down with some drinks and a snack and act like you are having a tea party.
Play a sport
No need for equipment. Find anything around the house that you can and improvise if you have to. Better yet, make up your own sport and play it together!
Draw each other’s portraits
Grab a pencil and some paper and have your kid draw your portrait. It’s both amusing and heartwarming to see what they draw, and how they view you.
Have a scavenger hunt
Make a small list of things you already know are around the house and have the kids try to find them. Or have them come up with a funny list of items and make you find them. See who gets all the items first!
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Have a water fight
Take the kids outside and throw some water on them. They will be shocked at first but then will join in on the fun. Bonus points: have a few water balloons ready to go first!
Have a picnic
It couldn’t be more simple to be a fun mom. The next time you have lunch, grab a blanket, or even a towel and go sit in the yard and have an impromptu picnic.
Pamper each other
Paint your daughter’s nails or let her paint yours. Give each other a back rub. Do a few yoga stretches together. Spend 20 minutes pretending you are at a spa together.
We even got hooked on some super fun face masks for kids, and this has become one of our favorite ways of spending quality time together.
Don’t miss Fun Indoor Activities For Bored Kids!
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Hi Jenny! Great post! I can definitely relate to this. I can’t wait to try some of these easy fun mom ideas. Thank you so much for sharing them ?
Great suggestions! I try to have a bit of fun with my son every day but we get into an activity rut sometimes. These are some fun ideas to mix things up!
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!
Oh my gosh! Someone who thinks like I do. I love this post. I am an Occupational Therapist with 26 years working with kids. I firmly believe that when you stop playing and having fun, you start turning old. I hope I never stop playing. I have started a new tribe called “Children’s Activities for Skills Acquisition. I would love for you to join and post your content. Thank You! Cathrine
Catherine thank you! I’d love to join! Please email me [email protected]
Hi Jenny, thanks for sharing such a helpful post. I guess these fun stuffs are also transferable to Dads as well. Playing a sport sounds fun. Thanks again.
Absolutely! Maybe I should change the title to How to be a fun PARENT! lol.
Honestly, i loved your tips. I was feeling guilty that i am working day and night, not spending time with my daughter. But it’s so easy to tale out just 20 minutes. Thanks for sharing:)
Ah thank you so much! It’s important to remember moms are human too and we just can’t do it all. I’m glad this helped!
This list is just too cute! I can picture so many of them and already see the memories we could create. The talk with an accent and having a race are so simple but yet I’m sure bring so much laughter! I love the playing in the rain idea…only if it actually rained where we lived. Ha!
*I just saw that you’re in Phoenix! So am I. LOL! Small world 🙂 LOVE your blog!
Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I love connecting with other local bloggers!
You have to go up north for that one, lol. But yes, talking with an English accent has become one of our favorites. I challenged my daughter to do it at school and she challenged me to do it at the grocery store. We were cracking up!